Friday, December 15, 2006

TPM submission - slammed

As it turns out, the Attorny General published the original submissions, (including mine), and gives the public another 2 weeks to respond to those submissions. These are known as submissions-in-reply. It seems a fair few copyright owners don't agree with me. Can't say I blame them really. One of them talked about how I was confusing copy-control TPMs with access-control TPMs. Confused? You're telling me, I didn't even know I was supposed to make a distinction.

In any case, I'm an amateur in this area of law. But it was fun to participate in the legislative process of this country for once in my life. Hey, maybe I'll even vote one day. Can you believe that there are plenty of other countries out there where people don't get anywhere near the same right or opportunity to participate in the machinery of government?

Anyway - I want to write another post before I go to bed.

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