Saturday, March 25, 2006

First posting written in the first person

Hi there,

I have no idea how this blog is going to operate, perhaps I can run some ideas and opinions past you.

Firstly, it seems there has been an explosion in the phenomenon of blogging, as well as personal podcasting. This appears to demonstrate an underlying perception that people actually want to hear/read what the author has to say. Further, it also appears to assume that people have the time or will make the time to read it.

I'm no rocket scientist, I know that a maximum of 3 people will read this blog in the next 7 days or so (2 people being me and BJ). Note that maximum allows for zero people to read this post in the next 7 days.

Secondly, I'm wondering what sort of content should be in this blog. I understand that blog is short for weblog, and therefore finds in origins in the documentation of events. However, I must be honest, I often find reading protracted accounts of someone's day rather daunthing, especially if the day was in fact uneventful.

This leads me to conclude that this blog will predominately house content of a non-narrative nature, unless the circumstances are so extraordinary that they warrant a detailed account of the said circumstances.

Thirdly, and this is really an extension of the second point, I think this blog will probably be made of a a variety of humorous material (humorous to me, not necessarily to you), poorly researched and ill-informed opinions, and better researched and more informed opinions.

These opinions will be on anything.

I think its time for a nice looking section break. I'll end the post here, and resume on the next post.

1 comment:

kristarella said...

I will find/make time to read blogs, even your blog! You know if you subscribe to the RSS it makes it heaps easier. I have about 700 posts waiting for me, when I don't have an assignment to do, or I'm procrastinating one or it's holidays - wooh baby I'll be reading like there's no tomorrow. If only I approached bible reading with the same zeal!

I think that's it's valid to assume weblog can be a log of thoughts as much as events.

Oh my gosh - that word verification is really hard to read! 8 letters that are wobbly an in some kind of copperplate font!