Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Iron Chef

I recently attended a 21st birthday party on the weekend. Besides being a terrific party with excellent food, speeches, punch, and music (and the company), the theme was to come dressed as a character from a movie or TV show.

I came dressed as a character from the SBS show, The Iron Chef. I was a "challenger" as they wear 'normal' uniforms while the Iron Chefs wear uniforms resembling silky pyjamss. Anyway - I carried a speaker around my neck, which was playing the theme song to the show.

It was observed that the song sounded rather military-esque, with the snare drum rapidly rolling, and grand orchestral notes of strings and horns. Upon further investigation, it seems that the Iron Chef theme is actually from the soundtrack to the 1991 motion picture BACKDRAFT. In fact, most of the music played during the Iron Chef episodes are Hans Zimmer creations from the soundtrack. The particular theme song I was playing is called "Fighting 17th".

I suppose the dilemma now is whether watching the Iron Chef now makes me think of fire hazards and accelerants, or whether watching Backdraft (which I haven't seen in a LONG time) makes me think of the Chairman abruptly biting into a capsicum, and celebrity judges giving their thoughts with an American accent.

By the way, Hans Zimmer makes some great film scores. Most of the Jerry Bruckheimer / Don Simpson movies I've seen had scores done by Hans.

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